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International driver's license

Date : 2024.07.30

Address : No. 21號, Section 4, Bade Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, 10561

Subway : 南京三民 Nanjing Sanmin Walk 10min

Phone : 02 27630155

Hours : 8:30 AM–5:30 PM

You can get a international driver's license from the Taiwan Motor Vehicle Office (監理所). I went to the one nearest to me, located in the Songshan District (松山區).



  1. 本人最近兩年內拍攝之2吋光面素色背景脫帽五官清晰正面半身彩色照片2張, 並不得使用合成照片 。

  2. 駕照正本。

  3. 護照影本(查核英文姓名)。

  4. 規費新臺幣250元。

You need to take a number and bring the following items: passport, ARC, Taiwanese driver's license, two 2-inch photos, and NT$250. Although it was stated that a copy of the passport was required, it wasn't needed in practice as I brought the original.

I waited for about 15 minutes.

There is an instant photo machine available if you don't have photos; the cost is NT$150. After submitting your documents, you are instructed to wait nearby. You should receive your license within about 5 minutes once your name is called.

I was surprised to find out that I had a speeding ticket from before, which I apparently need to pay again... The Taiwanese International Driver's License is relatively thick, like a notebook. When you apply, they ask where you will be driving. Since I mentioned France, they issued the license in French.

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