[Sapa Day-2] Sun World Fansipan Legend Dec 17, 2023방문일 : 2023.12.17주소 :지하철 :(웹사이트)예약 :전화번호 :영업시간 : 월목 8:00AM-6:00PM금토일 7:30AM-6:30PM정보 :메뉴 :소개 : Excursion: ON top of the world: https://topasecolodge.com/on-top-of-the-world/Price: USD 104 * 2 = USD 208 ( join in group tour)구글 : https://maps.app.goo.gl/GcRFp1cWT3RLd6t37?g_st=icㅇㅇ
방문일 : 2023.12.17주소 :지하철 :(웹사이트)예약 :전화번호 :영업시간 : 월목 8:00AM-6:00PM금토일 7:30AM-6:30PM정보 :메뉴 :소개 : Excursion: ON top of the world: https://topasecolodge.com/on-top-of-the-world/Price: USD 104 * 2 = USD 208 ( join in group tour)구글 : https://maps.app.goo.gl/GcRFp1cWT3RLd6t37?g_st=icㅇㅇ